Empowering the Ummah: International Guest Lecture Explores Transformative Waqf Management Strategies

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Kajian Manajemen dan Bisnis (KMB) of the Bachelor of Management Program, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, successfully hosted an International Guest Lecture with the theme “Transforming Waqf Management: Integrating Maqasid Syariah, Morality, and Spirituality for the Economic Empowerment of the Ummah.” The event took place on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, featuring prominent speakers from both local and international institutions.

Among the distinguished speakers was  Dr. Muhammad Najib bin Abdullah  from Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia as Keynote speaker. He delivered a presentation on “Maqasidic Parameters in Utilizing ‘Al-Maslahah’ as a Mechanism Strategy for Developing Productive Waqf: Malaysian Experience.”  The article discusses the strategic mechanism for developing productive waqf (endowment) within the Malaysian context, highlighting the importance of waqf as a tool for social welfare and economic development. Waqf is defined as property dedicated for charitable purposes, with the intent of benefiting society while maintaining the asset’s original state. The paper emphasizes the need for innovative strategies and effective management to enhance waqf contributions to education, health, and infrastructure. Key principles of waqf include its irrevocability, sustainability, and non-transferability, alongside specific pillars and conditions necessary for its establishment. The article also addresses contemporary challenges, such as the issues surrounding waqf muaqqat (temporary waqf) and cash waqf development, highlighting differing opinions among Islamic legal schools regarding the validity and application of temporary waqf. Furthermore, it discusses the role of social finance in promoting waqf, envisioning a future where waqf is integrated into the broader Islamic finance ecosystem. The Malaysian government’s strategic initiatives aim to enhance fundraising methods for waqf development, including public donations and corporate partnerships. Ultimately, the article calls for improved governance practices and adherence to Shariah principles to ensure the effective management of waqf, promoting accountability and trust. The integration of waqf into Malaysia’s social finance landscape is seen as crucial for addressing social inclusion and enhancing community welfare, aligning with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The next preserter Dr. Rizal Fahlefi, M.Si  from UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar discussed the topic “Cash Waqf Management: The Era of Waqf Bank Revival for Economic Empowerment in Indonesia,” while  Dr. Andi Irfan, SE., M.Sc  from UIN Sultan Syarif Riau provided insights on “Al-Ashr-Based Waqf Audit: Integrating Morality and Spirituality in Indonesian Waqf Management.” The session was moderated by  Ms. Umi Rachmah Damayanti, SE., MM  from UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.

This academic event was attended by 60 participants, including lecturers, administrative staff, and students from both domestic and international universities.  Ms. Yessi Nesneri, SE., MM , Chairperson of the Kajian Manajemen dan Bisnis, and the event’s chief organizer, expressed her hope that the lecture would enhance the understanding of waqf management among educators, staff, and students, ultimately contributing to the economic empowerment of society.

The event commenced with an introduction by the Master of Ceremony and was officially inaugurated by  Dr. Mahyarni, SE., MM , Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences. Through this International Guest Lecture, the Faculty aims to empower students and academic staff while fostering their interest and expertise in waqf-related issues. The program specifically contributes to the vision of the Management Program to produce professional graduates who integrate management skills, Islamic values, and technology.

This event marks a significant step towards enriching the knowledge of students about current waqf issues in the field of management and Shariah-based business, further supporting the Program’s mission of excellence in management education.

Berikut dokumentasi kegiatan seminar International Guest Lecture Kajian Manajemen dan Bisnis (KMB) :

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Pembukaan Oleh MC (Master of Ceremony)

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Sambutan dari Ketua Kajian Manajemen dan Bisnis Prodi S1 Manajemen FEIS, Ibu Yessi Nesneri, SE., MM

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Sambutan sekaligus pembukaan kegiatan Oleh Dekan FEIS Ibu Dr. Hj. Mahyarni, SE., MM


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Pemaparan Materi pertama Oleh Bapak Dr. Muhammad Najib Bin Abdullah Dosen Senior pada Universiti Islam Sains Malaysia / USIM)

Foto : Istimewa / Pubdok FEIS

Pemaparan Materi kedua Oleh Bapak Dr. Rizal Fahlefi, M.Si Dosen UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar

Foto : Istimewa / Pubdok FEIS

Pemaparan Materi ketiga Oleh Bapak Dr. Andi Irfan, SE., M.Sc., Ak., CA Dosen UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Foto : Istimewa / Pubdok FEIS

Sesi Tanya Jawab

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Penutupan dengan sesi foto Bersama narasumber, peserta (dosen, tenaga kependidikan dan mahasiswa), serta panitia KMB

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